What Should I Do At the Scene of a Car Accident?

Getting into a car crash can be a life-changing experience. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “More than 2.5 million drivers and passengers were treated in emergency departments as the result of being injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2015.” It is important to know the guidelines for what to do at the scene of the accident.

First and foremost, do not admit fault to anyone who asks, even if you were seemingly negligent in your driving and happened to miss a stop sign and T-boned another car at an intersection. There may be other reasons for the fault of the crash that come up later in an investigation, so it is important to refrain from admitting to any immediate wrongdoing for the accident.

These tips shown below in “What should I do at the scene of a car accident?” can help you in the future if you are hit by another car. If you are involved in an accident with serious personal injuries, get in touch immediately with our legal team at Shaw Legal Solutions to help you understand your rights in a personal injury case.

What To Do at the Scene of a Car Accident

Cars (or trucks) collide and you are in a serious car accident. What do you do? These are our recommendations if you are involved in a car crash:

  • Check for your own injuries – If you are awake and alert, and still strapped in your seatbelt, take a minute to check yourself. Are you hurt? Are you cut with glass from the collision, and are you bleeding? Receiving medical treatment is one of the first steps to take after an auto accident.
  • Take voice notes – It is important to take mental notes (or even voice notes on your phone) right after an accident occurs. Use your phone to record that you have been in a car accident, and then simply state your immediate condition. Look in the rear view mirror for any facial injuries. Check your face and body for any cuts, gashes, bleeding, or other injuries.
  • Check for passenger injuries – If you have passengers in the car with you, it is possible that they are more injured than the driver. Ask out loud if others are hurt and need medical assistance. If so, try to get a passer-by or other person to call 911 for emergency medical assistance at the scene of the crime.
  • Report the accident – If you or a passenger are able, please call 411 and report the accident. The dispatch team will send out a police car or ambulance as soon as possible. Give the dispatch your location.
  • Move the car – If your accident is minor, and you can safely move your car out of the street traffic area, then do this safely. If your car is seriously crashed and it would be more dangerous to try to move it off the street, then leave it in the position it is in until a tow truck can handle it.
  • Figure out the why – Think quickly about the accident. Retrace the steps. What happened for the crash to happen? Why did the accident happen? Try to get your story straight for when the police arrive.
  • Look for eyewitnesses – Scan outside your window to see if anyone nearby saw the crash. Ask for their phone number to try to contact them later for a statement.
  • Speak with the police about the accident – When the police arrive and start to assess the situation, be polite and provide your license information, vehicle registration, and insurance cards. Limit discussions with the other drivers for the cause of the accident. Simply state what happened, for example. “I was travelling across the intersection, and this car ran through the red light and hit my front end.”
  • Document the accident – Step out of the car to take pictures of the accident scene. Get pictures of the damage to your car, the other vehicles, the other drivers and passengers, and wider shots of the entire intersection or road area. If you are able to shoot a video, do that too to get an accurate picture of the scene of the accident.

Getting into a serious car accident that causes personal injuries can be a traumatic experience for a single person. That is why it is important to reach out to Shaw Legal Solutions to learn the answer to “What should I do at the scene of a car accident?”. We will support you with a personal injury claim against the drivers of the other vehicle.

Liability for the Car Accident

It is important that you know the above guidelines to prepare yourself in case of an accident with you or a loved one. Getting the facts right at the scene of an accident will matter greatly when our lawyer is working on your behalf against the other insurance companies. Consult with the personal injury attorneys at Shaw Legal Solutions at (425) 214-4946 to discuss your accident. You will find out much more than just the answer to “What should I do at the scene of a car accident?”


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